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Alice Min Soo Chun
Alice Min Soo Chun is an Inventor, Social Entrepreneur, and CEO of Solight Design. Fueled by her passion for helping the underserved, Alice has invented products that address global crises. Her first invention, the SolarPuff, has impacted over 1 million people living in underserved regions worldwide.

Earthquake Prep

Earthquake Safety Overview

Earthquakes can happen anywhere in the world, but some areas are more prone to seismic activity than others. For example, in the United States, California, Alaska, and Hawaii are most at risk of earthquakes. However, it's important to remember that earthquakes can occur anywhere, and it's essential to be prepared. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can make sure to insure safety and be prepared for earthquakes as well as know what items to have on hand in the event of an earthquake.

Preparing Your Home for Earthquakes

Earthquake Kit

Preparing your home for an earthquake can reduce the risk of damage and injury. Here are some things you can do around the house before an earthquake:

  • Secure heavy furniture and appliances to the walls or floor. This will prevent them from falling over during an earthquake.
  • Store breakable items in low, secure cabinets.
  • Place non-slip mats under rugs to prevent them from sliding.
  • Identify safe spots in each room where you can take cover during an earthquake.

Essential Items to Have on Hand for Earthquakes

Earthquake Kit

In the event of an earthquake, you may need to survive without power or access to food and water for an extended period. Here are some of the most popular items to have on hand:

  • Water - Store at least one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days. Make sure you have enough water for drinking, cooking, and sanitation.
  • Food - Store at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food. Choose foods that are easy to prepare and don't require refrigeration.
  • First Aid Kit - Make sure you have a well-stocked first aid kit that includes bandages, antiseptic, and any necessary medications.
  • Flashlight and Batteries - Keep a flashlight and extra batteries in an easily accessible location.
  • Radio - A battery-powered or hand-crank radio can keep you informed of the latest news and emergency information.
  • Solar Lanterns - In addition to flashlights, having a solar lantern can provide a long-lasting source of light without relying on batteries. Solight Design offers a range of solar lanterns that are lightweight, portable, and eco-friendly.

Additional Tips to Be Prepared for Earthquakes

In addition to the tips mentioned above, here are some additional ways to prepare for an earthquake:

  • Create an emergency plan - Work with your family members or roommates to create a plan for what to do during an earthquake. This should include identifying safe spots in your home, establishing a communication plan, and preparing for the needs of any pets or individuals with special needs.
  • Practice earthquake drills - Regularly practice earthquake drills so that you and your family members or roommates are prepared to act quickly in the event of an earthquake.
  • Secure your home's foundation - If you live in an area that is prone to earthquakes, consider securing your home's foundation to reduce the risk of damage during an earthquake.
  • Stay informed - Stay up-to-date on the latest news and information by following local news outlets, emergency management agencies, and social media accounts.

Earthquake Preparedness: Final Thoughts

Preparing for an earthquake can be a life-saving decision. By taking the time to prepare your home and gather essential items, you can reduce the risk of injury and survive in the event of an earthquake. Remember to stay informed and listen to emergency broadcasts during and after an earthquake.

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